
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Le Grand Monde d'Andy Warhol

Being a huge fan of Andy Warhol's work, I could not miss seeing the exhibition "Le Grand Monde d'Andy Warhol" in Paris. Even on a Sunday night, the exhibition was packed with people but that did not stop me from taking a close look at the many gems on display. I was astonished at how many celebrities he captured. There were rooms and rooms of portraits and it felt like a walk back in time.

Seeing this exhibition prompted me to finally undertake an Andy Warhol style portrait. (Something I've wanted to do for ages but never got around to). This is a portrait that I made of my friend Laura. It is her birthday today and although she doesn't know it yet, this will be her present! Happy Birthday Laura!

Portrait of Laura by Ingrid Mida, copyright 2009

Le Grand Monde d'Andy Warhol
March 18 to July 13, 2009
Grand Palais, Champs Elysees, Paris France

P.S. It is also Josephine Bonaparte's birthday today and Lucy at Enchanted by Josephine is having a party. Joy at Cupid's Charm made a beautiful necklace for the Josephine blog-giveaway. Join the fun by visiting these two delightful blogs!!