
Friday, July 3, 2009

A Long Weekend in Bayeux

Happy Fourth of July weekend to all my American friends and customers! If you cannot get away, join me on a mental vacation to the French countryside in Bayeux, home of lace-making and the Bayeux tapestry (which will be subjects for future posts).

Bayeux Mill, Photo by Ingrid Mida, copyright 2009

Stained Glass Window in the Bayeux Cathedral by Ingrid Mida, copyright 2009

Angel inside the Nave of the Bayeaux Cathedral by Ingrid Mida, copyright 2009

Streetscape in Bayeux, Photo by Ingrid Mida, copyright 2009

Carved wooden door in Bayeux, Photo by Ingrid Mida, copyright 2009

Rose in Bayeux, Photo by Ingrid Mida, copyright 2009