
Friday, October 23, 2009


Masquerade I, Mixed media on pink toile de jouey fabric with hand embroidery and beading
by Ingrid Mida, 2009 (12x12, partial image shown above)

Masquerade III, Mixed Media on Pink Toile de Jouey Fabric including hand embroidery and beading
by Ingrid Mida, 2009
(12x12, partial image shown above) SOLD

Masquerade II, Mixed Media on Pink Toile de Jouey Fabric with hand embroidery and beading
by Ingrid Mida, 2009
(12x12, partial image shown above)  SOLD

In support of October's Pink Campaign for Breast Cancer Research, I've created this series of mixed media works called Masquerade. Each piece retails for $150 (plus applicable taxes and shipping). One hundred dollars from each sale will be donated to Breast Cancer Research in honour of my friend Renee who has stage 4 breast cancer and writes the blog Circling my Head.

For more information about the Pink Campaign for the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, please see their website at To see other blogs involved in the Pink Campaign, check out