
Friday, December 11, 2009

Tim Burton Show at the MOMA

I went to the Tim Burton show at the MOMA hoping that I'd be inspired by the dark and quirky elements of his work. Sadly, this show has been squeezed into one of the smallest galleries in the museum and it was difficult to get close enough or to linger long enough to appreciate much of his work. Although the entrance was supposed to be time-ticketed, the attendants at the entrance were not checking tickets. As a result,  the gallery was packed to the rafters with people, many of whom had children in tow. I had my sketchbook with me but there was no chance to pull it out, because it was a battle to get near the work as it was.

With 700 examples of Burtons drawings, paintings, photographs, storyboards, puppets, macquettes, costumes, film clips and other material, I did gain a new appreciation for Tim Burton's skill as a multi-talented artist. I exited the gallery hoping that my favourite illustrations would be contained in the accompanying exhibition catalogue but they were not and I left empty-handed. If you go to the Tim Burton show, it is probably best to go as early in the day as possible so you can actually see and enjoy the work on display.

Tim Burton

MOMA New York, 11 West 53rd Street
November 22, 2009 - April 26, 2010