
Monday, January 11, 2010

Take the Coco Questionnaire

As you may have noticed, I am now consumed by all things Chanel.  I am haunted by her elegance, her drive, and her fearless pursuit of her goals. I started to wonder - am I like her just a little? Take my questionnaire and find out for yourself.

1.  Are the dominant colours in your wardrobe black, white, beige and navy?

2.  Do you frown upon ruffles, bows, and extraneous embellishments?

3.  Do you live by the maxim elegance is refusal?

4.  Do you prefer quality over quantity?

5. Would you take apart a gift of expensive jewelery and craft it into something new, including mixing it with costume jewelery?

6. Do you wear perfume every day?

7. Are you single-minded of purpose, driven towards a goal?

8. Do you prefer to be in the company of men?

9. Are you fearless in your pursuit of your dreams?

10.  Would you agree with the statement that between your work and your lover, there is no time.

If you answered yes to ALL the questions, you are Coco Chanel incarnate!

If you answered yes to 7-9 of the questions, you could be a distant relative of Gabrielle Chanel.

If you answered yes to 4-6 of the questions, you are obviously a Chanel admirer.

If you answered yes to 1-3 of the questions, you need to read a copy of The Gospel According to Chanel. Enter my giveaway before the deadline of January 14th at midnight!

P.S.  My answers are (1. yes, 2. yes, 3. YES, 4. yes, 5. No way!, 6. YES!, 7. yes, 8. yes, 9. mostly, 10. no comment!).