
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Revolutionary Fashion Installation

Revolutionary Fashion Series by Ingrid Mida 2010

What Lies Beneath, 18th century chemise, corset and pockets in mesh
on a vintage mannequin, by Ingrid Mida 2010

In the series Revolutionary Fashion, digitally altered images of upper class eighteenth century women are layered over traditional French toile de jouy fabrics, which are then embroidered or altered to bring attention to certain areas. This is my attempt to create a whimsical warning against fashionable decadence and the folly of extravagant fashion trends. 

In my related sculpture, What Lies Beneath, I have created the underpinnings for an 18th century gown out of mesh. Displayed on an antique mannequin are a mesh chemise, pockets (which hung beneath a gown before purses existed), and a corset. I have yet to finish the panniers which will give support to the exaggerated hip lines of the gowns from that time period. The translucency of mesh creates a mystery and a ghost-like quality to the sculpture. 

Much to my delight, Christopher Wood of LA Design asked if I'd like to display this dress sculpture and my Balenciaga-inspired mesh dress sculpture in the windows of his chic furniture shop LA Design at 788 King Street West. Of course I said yes!! So instead of lolling about eating bon bons this week in a post-show funk, I will get back to work pronto to finish the panniers!!