
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My Vintage Parisian Coat by Ingrid Mida

I am a coat person. My GH (gorgeous husband) likes to tease me on how many coats I have - he says I have one for every few degree of temperature variation. Of all the coats I own, this one is my favourite as it comes closest to portraying the real me. This beauty is a vintage coat from Paris (circa 1955-1960 if I had to guess) and has a glorious turquoise lining. And although the sleeves are about an inch too short for my arms (who was the tiny gamine who wore this coat before me?), I often wear it with fushia pink leather gloves that come to the elbow. The  tweed wool rose which is pinned to the label was an addition sourced from a run-of-the-mill retailer. I also consider it my lucky coat since I wore it to a portfolio review at Wagner Rosenbaum Gallery and was awarded my first commercial gallery show while wearing it!

I hope you will join me in sharing the memories behind your favourite dress, coat or outfit. I'd also like to hear stories and memories of outfits that might have belonged to your mother, grandmother, sister or other female relative. Please email me at with your photo and stories.