
Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Opening: All is Vanity

All is Vanity Installation Shot
It was a bit of a blur but I'm happy to report that there was a great turnout at the opening of my show at Loop Gallery yesterday afternoon. The tv crew from Artsync arrived a little before 2 pm to film a short interview. I wish I could remember what I said and am hoping that I sounded reasonably coherent. I had no idea whether to look at the tv camera or the interviewer and fear that I might have looked a little shifty eyed!

JJ Lee and Ingrid Mida at Loop Gallery
I had a fantastic response to my work. People seemed to be quite taken with the mysterious, haunting and fairy-tale quality of the photographs. But more important to me than the many compliments I received was knowing that my work evoked a response in those who had previously lost someone they loved. With each photograph in the series representing a step in the cycle of grief, several people either teared up as I spoke or told me that they had been on this journey. This meant that my work had emotional power, a significant marker in my development as an artist.

The show continues at Loop Gallery until February 13, 2011. I will be at the gallery on Saturday, January 29th at 3 pm for a Question and Answer session moderated by installation artist, teacher and friend Lyla Rye.

Ingrid Mida and Lyla Rye at Loop Gallery