
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Santa didn't come through but Karen did.....

It was back to work yesterday and as I walked by the Chanel store on my way to the museum, I could not help but notice that their windows still display the oh-so-lovely Coco Chanel dolls. Even though I'd heard that these dolls were not for sale, I thought Santa could do anything...

Luckily my disappointment was short-lived because the very next day, I got an email from the talented doll-maker Karen Kline telling me that she made two of these dolls after seeing my post.

Fashion dolls by Karen Kline 2010
Karen made one for herself and one for me!! Can you believe how lucky I am to have such a talented, thoughtful and generous friend?

A doll for me!

Karen is not selling these particular dolls, but this project has inspired her to begin a line of fashion dolls.

Fashion doll in progress by Karen Kline 2010

I'll be interviewing Karen in an upcoming post. In the meantime, please visit her doll-lightful blog here. Or visit her Etsy shop here.

Photo credits: Karen Kline 2010