
Monday, January 16, 2012

What's new?

Charlize Theron, Golden Globes 2012
Watching tv has become a guilty pleasure, especially with a list of deadlines and a stack of reading I'm supposed to do.... But I had to track the red carpet of the Golden Globes and took notice of the key trends:
* mermaid shapes 
* headbands
* chandelier-like earrings
* spectacularly high heels often concealed by dangerously long hems

None of these trends work for me.  From experience, I know that mermaid shapes mean the hem drags along the floor, causing a tripping hazard and picking up the dirt! Headbands give me a headache as do big earrings. And high heels only work if I don't have to stand up for more than 20 minutes or walk more than the length of a room.

In a way, the sea of elegant gowns was a bit of a yawn, but I did laugh hysterically when Ricky Gervais mentioned Kate Middleton = Oscars and Kim Kardashian = Golden Globes.

As I predicted, my inbox continues to surprise and 2012 is already shaping up to be an interesting year even though I seem to be in a blogging fog and I have yet to attend any exhibitions. I think reading the erudite writing of Baudrillard and Foucault is taking over my brain and sapping me of my blogging brain power.  In lieu of blog posts, I'm working on a new project in my studio - making a tutu out of mesh and working on a book proposal (plus my thesis).  In the works for Fashion is my muse! is a list of must-see fashion as art exhibitions for 2012. Stay tuned!  As always, I welcome your comments and emails.

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All text and images on this blog are the copyright of Ingrid Mida, unless otherwise noted. The copying of posts, images and/or text without proper attribution is violation of copyright and legal action will be pursued.