
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Meet me in Milan at Fashion Tales 2012

The competition was fierce (with over 200 submissions), but I got the call and I'm on the roster of speakers. I'll be presenting my paper at the Fashion Tales 2012 conference in Milan on The Metaphysics of Fashion Blogging. Blogging will be reconsidered in the context of historic precedents such as Barbara Johnson's album of her wardrobe selections from the 18th century and as well as in terms of theorists Walter Benjamin and Michel Foucault as a tool of identity construction and conversational erudition. This international conference will be held at the Center for the Study of Fashion and Cultural Production of the Universita Cattolica and runs from June 7-9, 2012. Fashion gurus like Valerie Steele and Christopher Breward will be among the keynote speakers.  Shall we meet in Milan?

Details here.

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