
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Where to find me now

Dear friends,

It has been a while since I've posted here. After much of my blog was copied onto other sites, I lost some of the joy of sharing my research, reviews and opinions on this forum. I've been tweeting, posting links on the Costume Society of Ontario Facebook page and writing articles for Modeconnect. I also accepted the post of Fashion in the Museum columnist for Worn Through where I am writing a bi-weekly column. I've never been busier or more in demand, and yet something feels like it is missing.....

The piece that is missing is me. Sometimes I just want to write what I want, when I want. Not so long ago, I had over 1000 hits per day on Fashion is my Muse! I've lost some of those followers in recent months and I'm not sure I'll ever regain them, but I need a place to share more than 140 characters and something less than a full fledged and finely crafted article.

The April fashion calendar is crowded with events and I'll be returning on Monday with my list of must-do events. 

If you want to catch up on some of my writing, here are some links to my recent articles:

Exhibition Review: Fashioning Fashion at Les Arts Décoratifs in Paris

Exhibition Review: Shoe Obsession at FIT Museum in New York City

Exhibition Review: Fashion and Technology at FIT Museum in New York City

Fashion in the Museum: Going Behind the Scenes at FIDM in Los Angeles

Fashion in the Museum: Collection Access

Fashion in the Museum: Where to Begin? 

                                                                     With best wishes,

                                                                      Ingrid Mida

Notice of copyright: 
All text and images on this blog are the copyright of Ingrid Mida, unless otherwise noted. The copying of posts, images and/or text without proper attribution is violation of copyright and legal action will be pursued.