
Sunday, October 27, 2013

On this and that...

Dress Collection of the Lousiana State Museum
Photo by Ingrid Mida 2013
I don't usually ramble, but have not written on this blog in over two weeks. It feels like no time and a lifetime all in one. People often ask me how I get so much done, and yet I often wonder where does the time go?

If you missed it, there was an article written by Nathalie Atkinson of the National Post about my work in editing the Ryerson Fashion Research Collection called "Lanvin in the Library". My elderly mother, who was once a librarian, loved the title, and finally understood what it is that I do - to her, I'm like a librarian for old clothes! I've also had lots of questions about whether I ever try on clothes in the collection, and that is something that is strictly forbidden by International Committee of Museums Practice Guidelines. Doing so would be considered highly unethical. I cannot say that I haven't been tempted to do so - who can resist a Dior after all - but I must resist and I do. I've never, ever done so and shudder with horror and yell out "THAT IS NOT ALLOWED" when someone looks like they are going to....

I couldn't be more pleased with the coverage for the Collection. A very generous and kind donor (who prefers to remain anonymous) offered to cover the cost of the cataloguing software for the collection. This the first step in helping to ensure its longevity. Funding at the university is very, very tight, and since all fundraising efforts must be co-ordinated by the Development Office, technically I am not even allowed to ask for money.... But, I believe so very passionately in what I do and just love to help students, and hope and pray that a generous donor will step forward to help ensure this collection lives on.

Besides the article, I've been writing weekly posts for the Ryerson Fashion Research Collection blog, working on the responding to the review comments for my book proposal for an academic publisher, as well as editing of the next issue of the Costume Journal. And of course, my Phd proposal will soon be demanding attention too!

Pair of shoes from 1760, Property of the Louisiana Sate Museum
Photo by Ingrid Mida 2013
Did I mention I was in New Orleans at the ITAA conference? One of the highlights was going behind the scenes at the Louisiana State Museum: Costume, Textile and Carnival Collection.  This museum's collection dates back to the late 18th century including this lovely pair of silk shoes from 1760, with the majority of objects having a Louisiana provenance. I don't think I can ever tire of going behind the scenes.....

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All text and images on this blog are the copyright of Ingrid Mida, unless otherwise noted. The copying of posts, images and/or text without proper attribution is violation of copyright and legal action will be pursued.