
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Read Me Like a Book!

The Little Balloonist, Bookwork Sculpture by Ingrid Mida 2009

As a writer, an avid reader and as the daughter of a librarian, I have a special fondness for books. Creating art out of books and fashion magazines has been a relatively recent exploration. It took some courage to cut up a pristine book because I’ve always had such reverence for the written word. However, with the recent popularity of the e-readers, I fear that books will become a rarity and so I chose to celebrate them in a series of book sculptures.

Three of my bookworks will be on display (including Homage to the Bell Jar) as part of the Read Me Like a Book! exhibition at the Collingwood Public Library which opens today. All works are text based and were selected by curator Allison Billings to help celebrate the reopening of the library.  Having spent many summers of my childhood in Collingwood, it seemed like the perfect venue for this new and quirky artwork. 

Read Me Like a Book!
55 St. Marie Street
Collingwood, Ontario

September 1 - 26, 2010