On my way to the rooftop of the
Metropolitan Museum of Art to see the display of Jeff Koons sculptures, I stopped in my tracks in front of a beautiful cabinet that seemed to belong in Versailles. I bent over to examine the label and sure enough, it was a cabinet that once was
a treasured possession of the French Queen of Fashion! This lovely secretary on stand which is "believed to have belonged to Marie Antoinette" was apparently
entrusted to furniture dealer Dominique Daguerre for safekeeping in October 1789 shortly after the mob invaded the palace. It seemed like a gift that I would find such a treasure when I wasn't even looking for it.

And when I got to the roof, the sculptures by Jeff Koons conceived especially for the site were like a present of art. And in spite of the fact that there were rules against photography, everyone was openly doing so. The view of Central Park was simply spectacular. (Sadly the show ended on October 26th).
Metropolitan Museum of Art1000 Fifth Avenue at 82nd Street, New York City